Work Packages and Project Deliverables

The INFIMO project is structured into six work packages (WPs). Each WP has a set of public deliverables listed below.

WP1. Project Management

WP1 leader: ITL

WP1. Project management covers overall project management activities that ensure smooth work processes and support all other WPs throughout the project related to internal communication management, financial management and reporting, monitoring and risk management, data, knowledge and innovation management.

WP1 Deliverables:

D1.1 Project Management Handbook, incl. Project Quality Plan


The purpose of the Project Management Handbook (PMH) is to describe the mechanisms of project management and quality control used throughout the INFIMO project.

The document serves as a framework for the Project Management Team and Steering Committee to effectively carry out management activities, as well as to monitor and mitigate the project risks. It also serves as a reference for consortium partners to conduct their contractual project activities with expected quality levels.

The PMH primarily covers the procedures and best practices for the following project management activities:

D1.2 Data and Innovation Management Plan


Throughout the collection, processing, analysis, use, storage, and dissemination of data in the context of INFIMO, the project consortium pays careful attention to data protection and privacy and ensures that data is kept securely. At the same time, the consortium follows the EC’s open science approach and FAIR principles as much as they apply to the project activities.

The Data and Innovation Management Plan (DMP) is a document that establishes processes for collecting, storing, and safeguarding data collected during the INFIMO project. The DMP will guide all data management actions throughout the project. It is a reference document for consortium partners to properly conduct their project activities by paying sufficient attention to how data (particularly personal data) is handled.

The DMP covers the procedures for the collection, processing, analysis, use, storage, and dissemination of data in the context of INFIMO, covering:

WP2. Development of the collaboration strategy

WP2 leader: BIA

WP2. Development of the collaboration strategy starts with analysing the needs of key innovation stakeholders in the involved ecosystems. Building upon that, a joint collaboration strategy and action plan will be developed, outlining an extended “opening-up“ strategy defining strategic action lines and concrete activities in the mid-term perspective.

WP2 Deliverables:

D2.1 Roadmap of the Startup Ecosystem in Georgia


This roadmap presents a comprehensive mapping of the Georgian startup ecosystem that delineates the principal stakeholders, encompassing startups, scale-ups, venture capitalists, accelerators, incubators, and other entities integral to fostering innovation.

This roadmap systematically examines and maps the current state of Georgia’s startup ecosystem to improve access to information about the local startup community and optimize targeted communication, inspiring new partnerships and strengthening collaboration among stakeholders.

The roadmap is structured into two main chapters:

D2.2 Roadmap of Startup Ecosystem in Portugal


Portugal’s burgeoning startup ecosystem has rapidly evolved in recent years, establishing its status as a prominent European hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. This comprehensive roadmap of Portugal’s startup ecosystem focuses on helping to effectively navigate the local dynamic landscape and foster strategic partnerships.

This roadmap functions as a vital framework, delineating the essential elements and stakeholders in Portugal’s startup ecosystem. It aims to facilitate improved communication, collaboration, and overall advancement within the Portuguese startup community.

The roadmap is structured into several key sections, each providing a unique perspective on Portugal’s startup ecosystem:

D2.3 Report on the Stakeholder Needs in INFIMO Innovation Ecosystems


The overarching goal of this report is to gather pertinent insights that will guide the INFIMO strategy-building process.

In the pursuit of fostering innovation and collaboration, the INFIMO project has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the needs of key stakeholders within its innovation ecosystems. This report encapsulates the meticulous planning and execution of the analysis, orchestrated by MOBINOV as the lead coordinator, in collaboration with its partners. The primary objective is to identify and comprehend the multifaceted needs of stakeholders, with a particular focus on SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, and women innovators.

The report is structured into several key sections:

WP3. Enhancing gender-responsiveness and diversity

WP3 leader: GIC

WP3. Enhancing gender-responsiveness and diversity includes creating a joint Women in Tech coordination group, customising the services of the partnering clusters to make them more gender-responsive, and fostering higher involvement of women innovators as well as promoting gender equality and diversity throughout all activities of the involved innovation ecosystems.

WP3 Deliverables:

D3.1 Memorandum of the INFIMO Women in Tech Coordination Group


INFIMO proposes the establishment of the Women in Tech Coordination Group, involving female entrepreneurs from INFIMO clusters and related ecosystems. This group will collaborate within the framework outlined in this Memorandum, with a specific goal of enhancing the participation of women entrepreneurs and innovators in the activities of the INFIMO clusters and increasing the gender-responsiveness of their services.

This memorandum endeavours to analyze the needs of women representing INFIMO’s partner organizations and their expectations for the international women’s cooperation platform. The insights gleaned from this analysis will serve as the informational and analytical foundation for the INFIMO Women in Tech Coordination Group (INFIMO WTCG), ensuring the efficiency of the cooperative framework to be created.

This memorandum covers the following list of topics:

WP4. Enhancing collaboration between sectors and ecosystems

WP4 leader: MOBI

WP4. Enhancing collaboration between sectors and ecosystems is focused on developing and validating two different collaboration models to support various innovation actors from different sectors, taking into account the maturity levels of the ecosystems. This includes:

  1. A generic collaboration model between ICT and other sectors 
  2. An advanced collaboration model between ICT and Mobility sector. The models developed will also be usable in other innovation ecosystems beyond the immediate project partnership.

WP4 Deliverables:

WP5. Training, skills development and exchange of best practices

WP5 leader: MOBI

WP5. Training, skills development and exchange of best practices aims to take the skills, know-how and general capacity for innovation in the involved ecosystems to the next level. This includes mutual study visits focused on sharing best practices and deeper collaboration building, as well as training events for various innovation actors targeted (the specific topics will be chosen in line with the strategy-building process).

WP5 Deliverables:

WP6. Communication, dissemination and exploitation

WP6 leader: BIA

WP6. Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation supports the work in core WPs throughout the project, ensuring visibility of the project among the target groups and ensuring awareness related to its activities, benefits and impacts to wider audiences. It also leverages the linkages of the Modest and Moderate Innovator ecosystems with relevant pan-European networks. The WP also plans to exploit the project results, including working towards engaging additional sectors and innovation ecosystems that could benefit from the project results.

WP6 Deliverables:

D6.1 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

The CDE Plan is developed to be a practical framework for INFIMO’s day-to-day communications activities, which will be used to ensure efficient outreach and engagement with key target groups and stakeholders.

This document presents the strategy and tools that will be used to implement communication, dissemination, and exploitation (CDE) activities to ensure the visibility of the project and the engagement of its various target groups, supporting its future sustainability.

In particular, the CDE Plan:

If you wish to access the project’s open research data, please get in touch with Allan Tamme, INFIMO Project Manager, at for further details.